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Restoration of the Canisy Gallery

The gallery houses many objects, works of art and beautiful furniture. However, the gallery requires emergency intervention to ensure the fire safety of the building.

The gallery of the Fontaine-Henry castle houses many objects, works of art and beautiful furniture. However, the gallery requires emergency intervention to ensure the fire safety of the building. The electrical system and the fabric covering the walls are dangerous. The non-fireproof hanging needs to be changed to meet the standards of the Monuments Historiques. The electrical system dating from the 1920s also needs to be modified to ensure the safety of the gallery.

The project

The gallery of the Château de Fontaine-Henry is a privileged place to exhibit works of art. Its layout, form and design are conducive to the exhibition of paintings.

Currently, a project is under consideration to make this space a space dedicated to the Marquis of Canisy, a great art lover, collector and painter. The current Marquis of Oilliamson wishes to pay tribute to his grandfather by exhibiting paintings by him.

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